Lingala is a Bantu language spoken by several million people in Congo-Kinshasa and Congo-Brazzaville. Because of colonization, Lingala language is strongly influenced by the French and Flemish. It is indeed very common to hear in a conversation in Lingala, words borrowed and sometimes transformed from the language of the former colonizers. Widely distributed at the musical and media level, Lingala is adopted as a lingua franca, spoken now in the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Gabon and Angola. Several great Lingalaphones singers contribute to the promotion of this language such as Franco, Koffi Olomide, Papa Wemba, Werrason or Fally Ipupa. The Adorable note greeting card company presents a huge selection of Lingala cards for just about every holiday and even holidays you hadn't thought of. Cards feature realistic prints and the messages are written in Lingala and English or Lingala and French.
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